No Computer Left Behind, Inc.

Well, the Linux revolution has officially begun with NCLB. After tonight I will have given out two Linux PC's. The first was VERY well received by the family. I am expecting the floodgates to open in the next one to two months. They may open in the next few weeks....I found out yesterday that some idiot(s) broke into a room within our company and stole 41 gifts that were purchased for needy children. I offered to work around the clock before Christmas, if needed, to supply PC's to any children that did not have a home PC.

I am hoping to start networking with area LUG organizations to provide Linux support in their communities for children/families that receive Linux PC's.

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A Worthy Cause

As I've said before..any help I can offer on my end just ask...oh and we still have to arrange for a pickup for the 10 or so boxes I have for u...


"You cannot wield it!"

Keep going!

I think what you are doing is great! Here in the states we have an abundance of used laptops which corporations just seem to discard. These things run DSL very well, I know there are plenty of young students world wide who would benefit from getting one of them.

Great Idea

I am working on the network at the Stevens and Pruett Ranch in Houston ( ) and those kids are running on some mega old stuff.

I have gotten a few donations of computers but am trying to get better ones...the idea of refurbising and donating computers will go a very long way!

And DSL will make it happen
