myDSL Extensions (deprecated)

Non DSL User

MyDsl install  in multiuser setup

space or permission problem loading mydsl

voice chat  in ymessenger.dsl
use of the microphone and  speakers

Installing  hexeditor
Help required installing "Bless"

Can't backup icons
for icon-replacment extension

Question about creating .uci extensions
Help on icons and menus

DSL 1.0.1 mydsl is not working
I can not get mydsl extensions working

don`t work any dsl extension with boot option
lang=es on dsl 1.2 or earlier

How to include Qt library when remastering DSL?

abiword doesn't allow pasting from other apps

testing firefox  GTK problem
is the menu entry wrong?

Ayttm Universal Instant Messenger doesnt work with

opera.uci  no permission error on icons?

how to mount compressed iso file

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