Apps :: Keyboard Keys Broke!

I have a labtop pentium III, 600mhz, 128 ram...DSL works great, but looking for a way to remap the keys that are out (8, I, K, and comma - are all out) I want to map 8 to F8, I to right ALTkey, K to right CTRL key, and comma to F9. Id even settle for an onscreen keyboard program....if can point me in the right direction, or tell me specifically how to edit linux, to do this, THanks (not an expert FYI)
I halfway answered my own question, i found a DSLextenstion called XkeyCaps...which lets you remap keys. Wrks great but it wants me to add a line of code (like this "xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-`uname -n`") to the approiate startup script, so each time DSL boots, it remaps the keys.....i have no idea what script to add this line of code to. help?>?

P.s. It tells me exactly to do this ----

" Wrote output to the file

You should modify your login script to contain a line like
 xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-`uname-n`

(those are backquotes.)

Can't help you with the re-map (someone else here should.  I think it's called xmodmap), but there is an onscreen keyboard in the APPS section of the MyDSL repository:

The startup script is called


and if you are not using a traditional HD install, you will also need to activate the backup/restore process in order to save your files so they will appear after a reboot.

Maybe you could try to prise off the dead keys and reseat them a few times. Who knows, maybe this will fix the keys.
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