myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: What is UCI?

Hi, just want to ask..
What is UCI??

They are compressed loopback filesystems (cloop) which hold a self-contained application (self-contained as far as DSL is concerned...another distro may require additional support files).  They are mounted rather than installed.  This makes them very light on RAM usage since the only thing that is added to the ramdisk is the mountpoint.  Double-clicking a uci file in Emelfm will mount and unmount the file.
me too I have a question:
do they work with all dsl installs, i.e. usb install or frugal?

Yes. There might be issues if you have an old version of DSL, but nothing serious as far as i can tell.  DSL has been improving with each minor release, so it's best to stay updated anyway =o)
I would like to chime in... If this way is lighter on RAM then the other ways, why have the other DSL's?  Why not make everything a UCI and that should let things run on older machines.
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