USB booting :: Freeze at Check

Hello, I'm a newb to this place and also into the world of linux.

Anyway I really need to get this DSL working on my USB stick. I've installed it, followed many guides etc. For the problem, I searched alot but couldnt find anything useful. So here's the problem:

After intalling it on stick and reboot it starts to load things. All goes fine untill whole computer freezes on "Checking for for USB..." (Yes, there IS 2x for). And what I've looked, things should be ok in BIOS.

Oh yes, I'm installing it from XP. And stick is SanDisk CruzerMini 128mb. Too small? If you need any other info, ask. I have kinda tight schedule to get this thing working so help would be really appreciated.

Rather than install DSL to USB from XP, you would maybe be better off to burn DSL to a CD, boot the CD and then install DSL to USB from the right-click menu.

DSL will run from a 64MB USB stick so 128MB will be fine.

Thanks, Juanito. Will try that one abit later on today.

Edit* Well I tried that. Burned to CD and tried to ran it from there. On this computer, it freezed again at same place, "Checking for for USB..." and all my USB devices shut down.

I also tried it from cd on other computer, but it crashed at very start. It tried to boot or something, but gave error with "Extremily broken BIOS detected" and something else after it.

I'm going to lose my mind with this soon.

Check for system board BIOS updates
If that doesn't help, try booting with "nousb" (and then maybe "failsafe" - see wiki page on cheatcodes for more info)

I have the same problem. burned the latest dsl iso to cd and than it runs until "checking for for usb .." and than nothing happens. This is a dell with a single sata hdd, usb keyboard, usb mouse, 3 GHz and 1GB RAM. Just clueless now.

It seems to be the usb keyboard AND the USB mouse as it looks like dsl does not like both or even one of the device. only usb mouse --> freeze, only usb keyboard --> also freeze. I had a look to the bios from dell but i can only activate or deactivate the usb devices on boot but without keyboard and mouse ...

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