USB booting :: (doc) step by step of  usb booting


Date:   2005/1/20
       windows 2000
       FreeBSD4.7 Stable

Flash Disk:
       Transcend JetFlash 256M

       DELL Latitude D600 notebook

       3 files

1. on FreeBSD4.7 get 3 files:
dsl-0.9.2.iso size 51240960
bootusb-0.8.img size 1474560
winima70.exe size 96709


2. convert iso into directory
vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt
mkdir ~/dsl92
cd ~/dsl92
(cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv -

3. switch to window 2000 system
ftp 2 files (bootusb-0.8.img winima70.exe) and one directory (dsl92) from FreeBSD4.7
format flash disk as FAT (not FAT32)
install winimage 70
run winimage --> File --> Open --> bootusb-0.8.img --> Disk --> Use removable Disk F: -->
Disk --> Write Disk --> yes --> File --> Exit

4. Copy file system into flash disk
run window file manager --> goto dsl92 directory , boot , isolinux --> copy all files here to
your flash disk / --> go back to dsl92 directory --> copy all directory here to your flash disk /

5. umount your flash disk and reboot using your flash disk
now you should be able to boot using flash disk

Thanks for your help!

I finally managed to boot DSL from my Lexar Media to a Shuttle PC (after some days spent in trying with no luck!).

Paolo  :laugh:  :laugh:

Excellent =)
Have USB SanDisk Cruiser-Mini 256Mb stick
ASUS P4T(i850) + P4  computer
Nforce4 Ultra 400 + A2500 Barton

guess what? none worked out. OK, nforce seems to can't boot from it(just "insert a system boot disk...etc"), but i850 just hang on after post and no message (before format & and image it's just displayed message "no system" or  something like that). Any ideas? I really  don't wish to make MenuetOS boot stick :(

Hi Somebody,

I am in "Window Xp" and how can i use this :

2. convert iso into directory
vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso
mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt
mkdir ~/dsl92
cd ~/dsl92
(cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv -

Can "UltraIso" do the same ?

Thanks !!!

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