1. Extracted bootusb-8.0.img to the root of my USB drive 2. Extracted dsl-0.9.3.iso to a temp directory 3. copied the contents of the temp directory to my USB drive
What am I doing wrong?Did you use syslinux or a boot utility to make the device bootable?Hi, i tried cpfong's "step by step" on my "USB Bar 256MB", but I allways have a problem that it's booting till the message "can't find knoppix filesystem" appears. There's a problem when the system searches for the knoppix-file. He can't find the file on the usb bar. Why? But when I'm starting DSL on CD I can access the usb bar within DSL on "/dev/sda".
Another strange behavior is, when I'm trying to cfdisk the usb bar, that he gets an error.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.
Maybe it looks for the knoppix file on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda
Try booting with
dsl fromhd=/dev/sda
and see if it helps.
Quote (cbagger01 @ Mar. 10 2005,22:19)
Did you use syslinux or a boot utility to make the device bootable?
Well the first time I tried I did not use syslinux because most of the instructions on this forum dont mention it. Then I found a thread that mentioned using syslinux and I tried it, but that didnt work either.
Im supposed to use syslinux after all my files are on the USB key correct? Am I supposed to use a certain switch when I run syslinux? I think I used -s, but im not totally sure.Next Page...
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