USB booting :: Why not image a sucsessful install?

I am in most respects new to this so forgive my ignorance with this question.

Instead of these step by step instructions to make a bootable USB flash memory with DSL, why not just ghost or image a successful DSL installation and provide access to the image?  Someone like me could then hopefully in one step mount that image to my USB flash memory.



Not everyone has the same size USB flash device.
Yes, but a zipped install of the USB setup, with USB drivers
 available, like the boot disk.
Then you`d download, unzip, & copy it to the USB.
Then syslinux the USB to make it bootable.
That way you don`t have to burn a CD your not going to use.

Your description is close to the existing "5-way" download from the DSL web site.
Then you`d download, unzip, & copy it to the USB.
Then syslinux the USB to make it bootable.
That way you don`t have to burn a CD your not going to use.

The file that you are lookiing for is

The 5-way.tar.gz are the tools necessary for setup in Linux.

So download the, unzip & copy to USB
Then syslinux the USB and away you go!

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