USB booting :: USB pendrive Kernel Panic

No reply to this issue?
Does anyone have a solution for this?

Please help


I was having the same problem...Here is how I fixed it.  Copy the knoppix/knoppix file as mentioned.  Then chmod the file to 755 (matching the original USB file).  The file on the CDROM is not executable but I guess it needs to be when on the pen drive.  Hope this helps.
"Then chmod the file to 755 (matching the original USB file)"

Can you explain in detail how this is done?  I am an absolute beginner with DSL and Linux looking to move over from Windoze.


I think he means this:

1) Boot up DSL from livecd
2) Plug the USB drive into the computer and wait a few seconds.
3) Open a terminal window and type:

sudo su
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
chmod 755 /mnt/sda1/knoppix/knoppix

OR maybe:
chmod 755 /mnt/sda1/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX
umount /dev/sda1

That is correct cbagger.  Sorry about that lack of detail.
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