DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Midnight Commander
First of all. DSL is the best Linux Distro so far. Good work John, really good work.
It would be nice to have a full MC in DSL. Editing files in MC will be much easier instead of using Vi for a newbie like me and many others.
If you SEARCH the forums for "mc" ,you'll find many posts covering this topic.
Here is a recent thread, allowing you to CHOOSE your editor of choice in mc.
Thanks a lot ke4nt1.
IŽll give it a try.
Curious to know which one you will pick?
Wondering if that decision would make a good poll ?
( as to which editor everyone would pick for mc use )

I think iŽll choose Nano.
It looks so much simpler than Vi.
Maybe, in future ISOŽs this can be a standard... I know thereŽs a lot of Vi lovers, but DSL is such a simple distro and Vi is a little complicated for newbies.
Thanks a lot again.
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