DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Adding 'Home' and dpkg?
I absolutely love DSL.
However I'd like very much to see dpkg installed by default, plus an iconized 'home'
The above mentioned features would, in my opinion, be a huge bonus for people who actually want to 'use' DSL (as opposite to the ones who want just to play with it).
I know, you can download and install dpkg, but I'll be bluntly honest with you: I found the task too daunting.
As I am not exactly a newbie, I suppose quite a few people will have the same problem.
How does anybody else feel about it?
Me too! I would like dpkg to be installed too BUT since there isnt much space, it is left as a separate download. The target disc is about 52MB (a shaped minidisc) and the iso is already 48+MB.
About the icon you can create it yourself (it is a lnk file) or you may ask john to include it on the next release. I'm sure he'll attend to it. 
Thank you!
just out of curiosity, what did you find daunting about getting dpkg?
it really isnt that hard to do. its all in the faq, it only takes a few seconds plus the download time, as for the iconized home, i see it as unnecessary, since Emelfm starts in your home directory
just my 2 cents 
I think that what many of us want is a an alternative distro based on DSL but meant to run on a 256MB+ RAM machine (using "toram" which is awesome) and would would fit on an 8cm (185MB) mini-CD ... so that just a few more things could be added, like:
* dpkg (I tried the FAQ instructions but couldn't get it to work)
* Firebird & Flash (pre-installed)
* gAIM (instead of nAIM)
* apache/PHP/MySQL with web-based config/start/stop (with SSL if possible)
* Samba server (with a startup wizard like the latest Knoppix has)
* a dynamic DNS client with an easy wizard
I looked into Slackware-live but I like DSL much better. By leaving out KDE/Gnome & OpenOffice there should be plenty of space for things that us "power users" need.
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