DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Adding 'Home' and dpkg?

i agree, but only if youre gonna run straight from ram only.

otherwise, theres no problem in apt-getting everything :cool:

Quote (kevinubia @ Sep. 28 2003,18:12)
I think that what many of us want is a an alternative distro based on DSL but meant to run on a 256MB+ RAM machine (using "toram" which is awesome) and would would fit on an 8cm (185MB) mini-CD ... so that just a few more things could be added, like:

* dpkg (I tried the FAQ instructions but couldn't get it to work)

Exactly, same here about the FAQs (I couldn't get dpkg to work) and same here about wanting an alternative distro with more apps.
How many or how few it doesnt really matter, because as Ivan correctly said, we can install more with apt.
What about a script that installs dpkg, very much like the one that installs Firebird?


there shouldnt be a problem installing dpkg.

/me wonders what could be wrong

Would you guys mind stating exactly what went wrong while setting up dpkg?  We might be able to help.  I'm a bit curious because all you are really doing is extracting some files into /var/lib/, then running apt.
What is wrong is that you are assuming that we can all work from the command line, and forget that many of us simply can't, mainly because many of us are M$ refugees.

Just to make clearer what I mean, my favourite distro is Libranet, which is good at any llevel of knowledge.

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