DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Adding 'Home' and dpkg?

And BTW, I know that in my first post I said that I am not exactly a newbie, but my experince is more in installing linux distros, rather than in using the command line.
In the next version I will have a script that will do this for you. :)
Quote (John @ Oct. 07 2003,00:22)
In the next version I will have a script that will do this for you. :)

Thanks John, I know you are a nice guy :)

What I think a good middle ground would be for a dpkg install something like firebird.  Just right-click goto a got bandwidth menu and click to install dpkg.  Although after reading some of the posts I still don't know if this would work too well becaust apt-get is run from the command line so you would still need to be able to work the command line even if the install was easier.
Running apt from the command line is very easy. and in case anybody found it difficult they can always install synaptic:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install synaptic

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