DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Useful app
Maybe add Ettercap to ... this distribution. Its very small application but VERY useful for .. diagnose LAN. I have Damn Small Linux on Buisness Card - it is with me always. I can everywhere and everytime diagnose & repair network if i have ettercap ... 
Sorry for my English ... ;)
I dont know if there is plenty of place left for diagnose-tools?... Some sure are nice but in my eyes DSL is rather a distribution tu actually use it...
You may consider wearing two business-cards with you ;o) one to show people how much Linu rocks (DSL that would be) and one to get those things all running and stuff and I think LNX-BCC is better suited for that.
An bootable 50-MB-Linux-distro with lots of admin-tools... But no X and no X-apps and all these nice things. Just a working machine for system-admins :o) Its not competing with DSL so here it is: http://www.lnx-bbc.org/
They seem to be specialists in admin-stuff.
I'd say DSL is a specialist in Desktop-linux. :o)
Hope that helps and maybe others thing different...
Exactly - was one should have two business cards
. If ettercap would be in damm small linux this we it need not carry two business cards 
Delete several games from this LINUX then ... this will be free place ;)
Feather linux does a mini diagnostic CD which should fit the bill.
It not the standard download but a smaller one detailed on the download page.
You'll find info under http://featherlinux.berlios.de
I prefer the games to stay, as it is a genuine distro and not a tool bag 
Found the link http://featherlinux.berlios.de/tiny-list
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