DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Install scripts for Opera 6.12

I appreciate your detailed instructions on all that. I can only run from live cd on one machine, so I have been developing the hard drive setup I've been using.  In order to get Opera to run right off from a restore, I cobbled together another script, based on parts of your .install_opera, and some of the orginal /usr/bin/opera script. I am test-running it from the menu, and Opera comes right up, and picks up the .opera directory, so I get everything back. It's called .boot_opera, and here it is:
I know I'm getting off track here with these partial hard drive installs,
but I am of course waiting for the next edition of DSL to come out, with
perhaps an "install Opera" menu item that works as well as the MozillaFirebird item, which is the thing, in my judgement, that puts
DSL over the top! It's great.
I'll get back to testing all this now, Thanks a bunch!


I have my Opera Install/Restore setup documented at:
The Opera 6.12 section is about two-thirds down the page,
and is an 8-step howto.
I find that Opera 6.12 starts very quickly, compared to MozillaFirebird,
from the menu as I have modified it:
(here's the part for the Web Browsers)
[submenu] (Web Browsers)  {}
  [exec] (MozillaFirebird)  {/opt/MozillaFirebird/MozillaFirebird}
  [exec] (Opera 6.12)  {/home/damnsmall/.boot_opera}
Here's .boot_opera again, for those just tuned in:
Running "Top" I find that Opera has two processes running,
using 9.6% each, of Memory.
When MozillaFirebird is running, it uses 6 processes, with
each using 10% of the Memory.
Undoubtedly, Opera will be the choice for machines with limited
memory or processing power.


Burning the Backup/Restore Tarball to CD
Yes, do that, with your backup.tar.gz, and it's little friend, filetool.lst
(They go together)
Once that is done, it's easy to copy these files, with the full Opera 6.12
and MozillaFirebird install, and all your other goodies, to another computer.
I am using a Toshiba Laptop, with a Dell 64 MB pen drive, and I copied the
files first to Windows 98 from the CD, then rebooted into DSL, copied the
files to the USB drive, and then restored, from the menu.
Now, I have Opera 6.12 on this laptop computer, with no long
download and installation process, detailed here for those of you
that want to do it:
Look about two-thirds the way down the page to find the Opera
Yes, I have my pen drive formatted as ext2, and I know that is
not recommended in DSL. But, no one can access the files there
using a Windows 98 machine!
Anyway, the CD trick lets you quickly clone your installation to a
bunch  of boxes that already have a DSL setup, but no decent
restore files to work with. My backup.tar.gz is about 15 MB, so it
needs to fit on a USB drive, or on another hard drive partition other
than the one /knoppix is in, if you do it that way. (see my general-howto).
BTW, I do occasionally post on Slashdot, and put in a good word for
Damn Small, when I can weave it into the post!
What a fine little distro, made better by contributors like cbagger01,
who has worked hard to come up with the scripts to help us get
Opera going!

ok, its been a looong time sice the last post here, but i wanna say that the new opera 7.5 is slim, and small (only about 3.5 for shared ones and 5 for static one) -they come in debs. could someone make an install script for this new opera? its new ui is very slick, it would fit nicely into dsl.
I think we had to give up on Opera since the 6x dsl's. Last one that worked ok was 0.5.3, which by the way, was chosen for the base for Luit Linux. I was able to get Opera 6.12 restored on that, in addition to 0.5.3.
Now, I have remastered dsl 0.6.3, but only have Mozilla Firefox, not Opera.
Opera will run, and will actually display some web pages correctly, but not enough pages to say Opera is OK for dsl. A library problem, that has not been addressed, or solved. Since Mozilla Firefox is so good, I for one have given up on getting Opera to run on dsl. I did use it to handle some web page authoring work, I specified "Scite" as the source viewer for web pages in Opera 6.12, and could edit my pages with Scite very well, using Opera to get them off the web. Have a work-a-round with Firefox that will do, but would like to get Opera going again.
That's not in the cards, however.

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