DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: take away, put in
John, here's an MC you may have already seen that might fit well, even has a bit of eye candy.
Here's another "YEA" vote on adding the MC utility.
and some other audio apps (mixers,meters)
Seasons greets to all..
ok, everybody love MC.
we stated out, and it's clear by now.
But..should we get rid of the X-filemanager actually provided by dsl.I think we sould not.
It's important to keep basic things VISUAL for those who approach linux for the fiisrt time and use this as first distro. I was surprised to see how many they are, out there in the forums.
This distro rules.
the only thing I wish is that someday someone will do a .iso file, taken from this disto, meant for being installed. it would be great to have it booting skipping all hardware check..getting directly to the log in...I mean when you install this distro, whose goal is to be a live-distro (I don't forget it...)
you notice that it can be improved as a resident distro.
I messed up with my bad english, but I hope you'll get the point.
happy holidays to anyone out there. wish next year will be "the year linux takes the power" 
Probably Very Stupid statement below:p
I wonder if you could cut anything uncecescary out of xfce and cram it in, in it's .bz2 format
Happy holidays to everyone here, especially to John!
Is there any chance to add digital camera support to DSL? gtkam doesn't seem big, but I'm not sure about the drivers.
My purpose: Put an DSL CD in my camera (Canon PS G2) bag and then I can download pictures from the camera to any PC with USB, without installing anything.
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