DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: take away, put in
Since user can easily apt-get whatever they want. Instead of asking what application user want, maybe it is best to keep it to date (or things that user is hard to do)
Most importantly, Keep it up to sync with Knoppix. It is not 3.3 now...
Have advance kernel like Kernel 2.6
Samba support
HI there..
Maybe since people with a internet connection can apt-get whatever they want (more or less) it is more useful to add non-net-stuff for those who do not even plan to join the net with their machine. (just like me ;-)
There COULD be a extradirectory with recommended or well-testes apt-get-scripts? Just like Firebird for example.
One could chose after a hd-install wheterh to install some of them or not.
There is that wonderful apple-choose-example on board of DSL already
I'd offer my time to make up such an thing but I'm not to good in scripting stuff I admit.
Things should look like:
|x| Mozilla Firebird / up-to-date Browser / 6 MB in size (I dunno)
| | Midnight Commander / fast non-X Filebrowser / 10 MB
| | and so on.......
Good idea or just lame?
I once suggested here a tiny SID-PLAYER even though it may be a bit too specific for many users it's still FUN and only about 55 KB big.
I think a more useable TCC-version would be nice but that is just because of my lack of experience. Maybe it is already easy to use.
What is also an option (mostly for fun I admit) is FASM, a damnsmall assembler , quite up to date and a standalone file.
All in all, things to enhance DSL personal. Maybe some GTK-TCC-examples ... I love to write little C-apps to have little things done I need and I think it is great for 'new' users who get to know linux can get to know a bit of C this way, too.
I think some C-Stuff is more important than 2 or 3 different webbrowsers...
Last point: Midnight commander would truly be great but it seems to be big indeed (so what about another install-script for it?)
So, that's it ;-)
I love DSl pretty much the way it is.
Maybe some forum-readers share some of these ideas or can offer GTK-examples or others for me :-)
I think it should be a goal to keep DSL flexible and easy to enhance but never overloaded. By now I feel like I know every ing file of DSL and that feels great :-)
I'd like to keep the master of the system I use
So have fun you all!
I would also like midnight commander. If the standard MC is too big, I believe Basic Linux and DeLi has slimmed down versions.
Good post by enthusi.
Another vote for Midnight C.
Is there an older simpler version still around that isn't as featured as the current version?
Great that your still keen John and not exhausted 
I too agree with enthusi when he said maybe DSL could include a directory (or menu item) that included scripts to install the most common "other apps." Its relatively trivial but tedious to install other apts with apt-get and newbies don't always know how. This is especially true if you want to add and delete icons for those new apps. It would also make it easier for those of us who have modified our DSL's with new apts when we upgrade to newer versions.
Some logistics would have to be worked out on how to do that, since everyone might be starting in a different place. Even though I am still a noob I'm almost feeling my oats enough to write such a script..hmmmm.
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