Linux  and Free Software :: Should the Lnx Community support 98 and ME users?

Guess that would be me...I see someone has highlited NEW in red in my thought of coloring the 95 users can still use IE5.5 as a bootleg and get a retarder that extracts 5.5 leaveing the included files for update.  they can use opera browser maby firefox..did not try that on 95...anti virus and security programs just slow everything down.. it seems easier to not keep personal information on a computer and put it in your head...the only thing a computer can do is track you to the current location while you are connected to the net. the other danger provideing access to a third party. I have not figured out how to track that..but I know it can be done easy enough....that said..I better run... :p

Hmm and now the color is gone..strange

I think this thread is haunted.

Insults that come and go... strange colors, allucinations, are we alone in the universe?

By the way, I lost track of the meaning of 'Linux community supporting win98'?

I think the real issue here is that the world has not yet invented an operating system and find that more money can be made by selling an idea and chargeing for the fixs.

dsl is no better in this regard but at least does not charge 350 for more of the same.

If windows 95 was actually an operating system people could continue to use it without concern for a life time, unless they wanted to add new features not in it. not unlike the underwood typerwriter I still have on my desk.

winxp to my understanding is a forced lease of an os on every computer you buy. service is giving control of the system to them by registration. it will freely update until the updates are so many the see an opportunity to sell you what you already have in a new package..I here there is a new windows aka  bambozel in the works that is ready with 50 updates and offers contractual 1year lease at only 85 a month with with political correctnessbot to ammend all internet documents sent.

I say let all those still using older version's of windows buy new machines and move on to XP/Vista, that just means more older cheap machines for those who actually have taken the time to learn linux to put them to use.
Quote (JohnH @ Mar. 10 2006,08:00)
Microsoft's dropping of Win 9x and Me support is an opportunity for widening the linux community. If these people can be shown an easy to use free OS then we can win them over.

Linux needs easier program installation. It's sometimes very difficult to find a newly installed program.

Linux also needs easier file/disk user interface to win over these windows orphans. Typical reactions to mounting/unmounting  user processes are "What is this nonsense?" and "Why cant I just click on it to open it up?"

There was a time when I was into being a computer guru (DOS 3.3). Now though I look at a computer as a tool to help me get things done in engineering/design and to get on the internet to communicate and research.

If the Linux community wants to spread linux, we need to accept that most people don't want to mess with thier OS. They just want to get, process, and send information. Sure the pioneers shouldn't have to do all their OS work for free but we're kinda stuck with that situation with Microsoft's strangle hold on the OS market.

Look at the bottom line of switching to Linux instead of upgrading to windows XP. It takes a lot of time to solve the issues involved in converting over to Linux, in my case I have spent over 100 hours researching, learning, and solving problems. It only costs $100 to upgrade to Win XP. So I took 100 hours to save $100 and still have nothing close to the capabilities of win XP. The mainstream computer user, even a techie type, is not going to look favorably on working for one-dollar-an-hour wages...


I now have 4 computers

Windows XP, Sempron 2600, 512Meg, 40Gig
Linux, Sempron 2600, 1Gb ram , 80Gig +2x200Gig raid HD
DSL PII-450, 512MB, 128Mb pendrive
Win 98, Celeron 466, 192Mb, 30Gig

I'd love to go all the way in linux but it's just not practical for me to put in the hundreds of hours it takes to make it all work well in linux. The big Linux box tends to just sit there. The DSL system is most used and when I want to work on spreadsheets I have to go to the windows box for Excel (I use a lot of matrix math..linux ss dont support this even though they say they do)

So me, a techie kinda of guy willing to keep trying is one thing. Getting more mainstream techies with even less time to mess with the OS issues is another. Iif we want to attract those Orphans from Win 98 and ME we have to make it just as easy as Win 98 and ME plus have an advantage like the virus protection etc.

mabe you simply need to find the right linux distribution
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