DSL Tips and Tricks :: mousless OS

If you don't mind I will post my keys file first :)

!!! this file works in fluxbox-0.9.14.uci !!!
Some of them might not work
Instead of xmmsctrl you can use xmms -p ( for play ) check 'xmms --help'
Case doesn't matter in this file, ex.
NextTab = NEXTTAB = NexttaB <- all should work

Mod1 is Alt_L and Mod4 is Alt_R in my case

To check your Mod keys issue 'xmodmap' in terminal

Code Sample

Mod1 Tab :NextWindow 0
Mod1 Shift Tab :PrevWindow 0
Mod1 period :NextTab
Mod1 comma :PrevTab

Mod1 F5 :FullScreen
Mod1 F8 :ToggleDecor
Mod1 F9 :CommandDiialog
Mod1 F10 :Exec /opt/scripts/autowall.sh -c  # this script downloads random wallpaper from escalofrio.com and sets it as a background
Mod1 F11 :ReloadStyle
Mod1 F12 :Reconfigure

Mod1 b :ExecCommand xmmsctrl next
Mod1 z :ExecCommand xmmsctrl previous
Mod1 x :ExecCommand xmmsctrl play
Mod1 c :ExecCommand xmmsctrl pause
Mod1 v :ExecCommand xmmsctrl stop

Mod1 t :ExecCommand aterm
Mod1 Shift t :ExecCommand sudo aterm -name red

Mod1 r :ExecCommand grun

Mod4 1 :Workspace 1
Mod4 2 :Workspace 2
Mod4 3 :Workspace 3
Mod4 4 :Workspace 4

Mod4 k :KillWindow

Control Escape :RootMenu
Control Shift m :Maximize
Control Shift i :Iconify
Control Shift s :Shade

can I add dsl compiled with '-march=pentium-mmx' ?

It seems as though this would limit its useability to people who have pentium-mmx, which is contrary to one of the basic principles of DSL (support for old hardware).  The mplayer extensions, for example, were built with a runtime processor check enabled.  This slows down its performance a bit, but it is essential for a public binary release.

For the last few days I've been tweaking the new release of wmii in preparation for a myDSL release.  It resembles Ion/Ratpoison visually, but has its own unique method of handling windows and workspaces.  It requires nothing that cannot be found in practically every distro, including DSL, and its size is about 80k compressed. Configuration is done entirely with shell scripts, and it focuses mainly on keyboard users. If you've ever used one of the earlier versions of wmi, you might find this one to be extremely simple to configure in comparison. The one thing i was a little disappointed with is that they removed the tabs, but that's something i can adjust to.

Some keybinds I find useful in Fluxbox.
Mod3&4 are left&right windows keys.
Code Sample
Mod3 Up :ExecCommand umix vol 5+
Mod3 Down :ExecCommand umix vol 5-
Mod3 F8 :ToggleDecor
Mod3 F12 :RootMenu
Mod4 F11 :ExecCommand mc-term -e /opt/mc/bin/mc -b
Mod4 Shift F11 :ExecCommand mc-term -T "root mc" -e su - -c /opt/mc/bin/mc
Mod4 C :ExecCommand cpanel
Mod4 I :ExecCommand sudo pon provider
Mod4 Shift I :ExecCommand sudo poff
Mod4 K :ExecCommand xkill
Mod4 R :ExecCommand grun

Specific to Fluxbox Devel
Code Sample
Mod3 F5 :FullScreen
Mod3 F9 :commanddialog
Mod3 F10 :SetResourceValueDialog
Mod3 F12 :Reconfigure

mc-term is an aterm symlink which has .Xdefaults settings to give it more mc-specific geometry.

XPDF Keybindings:

o = open file
r = reload
f = find text
n = <pgdn> = next page
p = <pgup> = previous page
<space> = scroll down
<backspace> = <delete> = scroll up
v = forward (history path)
b = backward (history path)
0/+/- = zoom zero / in / out
z/w = zoom page / page width
ctrl-L = redraw
q = quit
<home> / <end> = top / bottom of page
arrows = scroll

what more could we wish to have ;-)


hi all,

just played around a bit with the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/keys

i found out, that it is not possible to navigate throught the rootmenu via arrowkeys. Where can i adjust this? I haven´t found a topic on that in the documentation of fluxbox...

clou anybody?


It's possible that this feature is not available in fluxbox stable, but i don't use it often enough to say for sure.  If this is the case, the only benefit that binding the root menu has might be to open it while the root window is obscured. I do know that it is available in fluxbox devel, but all of my commonly used apps are already bound to keys, so the menu gets very little use.
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