DSL Tips and Tricks :: dsl2unc
can someone instruct me how to use this script? Do I copy and paste the text above, and save it as a script? Sounds like a fantastic little tool.
guess i need to get off my ass and read up on scripting....
copy the script & save to a file called dsl2unc
type 'chmod 777 dsl2unc'
type 'dsl2unc <fname>.dsl'
It is a good idea to use the declobber script on the dsl file first - search for declobber in the forums. declobber is copied & saved the same way. To use it properly the system needs to be booted with the cheatcode 'dsl legacy' & then the declobber script run as 'sudo declobber <fmane>.dsl'. This script removes un-needed directories from the dsl files so they don't overwrite system directories.
There's something I don't quite understand here...
I am compiling in /opt/xorg72 with the following subdirectories:
I ran dsl2unc and got a user.tar.gz that contained (I think - the file was too large to unpack in the limited memory I had) everything in /lib and a couple of the other subdirectories. Is this is what is meant to happen? By removing opt from the line:
find home opt tmp 2>/dev/null | dir_filter | xargs tar -czvf user.tar.gz 2>/dev/null
I can stop this but perhaps I have missed the logic?
Ah... If I make a unc extension from a dsl extension that unpacks to /opt/xorg72, I guess the unc will build on top of itself - is that the problem?
Hi Juanito
If you've got it all compiled and running ok from /opt, you should build a uci instead of an unc
Uncs perhaps aren't best used to create a union with / of a filesystem mounted on /opt/whatever when that just effectively puts things in /opt/whatever - that's a redundant use of unionfs.
[I'll test this circumstance tomorrow - it's bed time where I am]
dsl2unc should just put the lot into user.tar.gz or so I thought ... otherwise you've found me a new bug.
Most .dsl extensions ordinarily have few files in /opt as things go ... usually wrappers and suchlike - if they're all in /opt they should just have tar.gz endings to avoid calling mkwriteable, and better still - they should be ucis.
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