The Testing Area :: gtk+-2.12.9.uci

meo: start k3b from a terminal, to see any errors

Also, in the meantime you could have a try with Xcdroast. There's the latest version of it in MyDSL and it's very much like K3b, but it's a gtk1 app.

Thanks curaga!

I'll give it a try and see what happens! But as I mentioned K3B works if I don't load gtk+-2.12.9 before. So if I'm going to burn a cd I can do that and load whatever afterwards.

Keep on have fun with DSL,

Hello again Jason W!

I've tried out starting K3B some times now. It works just fine with gtk+-2.10.9 up and running. I intended to follow curagas suggestion to start K3B from a terminal to see what errors might come up. The problem is that I can't open an xshell to try. It just appears and disappears like a twinkle of an eye. And you know that K3B starts up with a rootshell. Then I tried to start it from emelfm. I was really surprised that it really started from emelfm as root. So the problem has something to do with K3B starting with a rootshell. That's all I can come to think of. I hope this is of any use for you. Keep up the good work!

As always have fun with DSL (The Linux Swiss Knife),

Hello again Jason!

This is getting more and more weird. Now I have only gtk+-2.12.9, Firefox- and Openoffice-2.4 and the xshell works just allright. This is really weird. I have no useful explanation but I think I'd let you know.

Have fun out there,

EDIT: Maybe some system error was caused by trying to start K3B when it didn't work.

Hi meo,
I had to run off to work right after my last post.  Does it make a difference if gtk+-2.12.9 has been "set up", that is the library linking added to /etc/  Try k3b with the gtk uci loaded but not set up, and then after.  I am curious if library linking may be causing the issue.

EDIT:  Be sure to reboot into a clean system each time before trying.

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