Apps :: Uploaded jhfCAPTCHA

After some interesting experiences in the land of the fumble fingered, I managed to upload jhfCAPTCHA.  (If you reverse the order of the file names with md5sum you wipe out your tarball!)

jhfCAPTCHA is a Python script to generate CAPTCHAs for one's website.  You can see a demo at:


Further stumbling around on the web reveals that the hackers consider jhfCAPTCHA pretty easy to hack.  Please don't use jhfCAPTCHA if you have very sensitive data to protect.
1. It's not python, it's php.
2. This section is for applications, not python or php scripts.
3. Do various and sundry (not to mention widely available) scripts belong in MyDSL? If so, where? Are they "applications" or do they warrant a category that won't require users to have to search through all kinds of stuff to find what they're looking for?
4. Is it really necessary to start new threads for everything submitted? Or should there be any relevant "heads ups" added when Robert posts what's been added to testing?

Edit: The fourth point is germane to the idea of having separate threads for submissions to testing and things that are already out of testing. I think this section is intended for things that are found in the "applications" section of MyDSL, not things in (or announcements for things that have been submitted to) "testing."

Quote (lucky13 @ Mar. 18 2008,11:06)
1. It's not python, it's php.
2. This section is for applications, not python or php scripts.
3. Do various and sundry (not to mention widely available) scripts belong in MyDSL? If so, where? Are they "applications" or do they warrant a category that won't require users to have to search through all kinds of stuff to find what they're looking for?
4. Is it really necessary to start new threads for everything submitted? Or should there be any relevant "heads ups" added when Robert posts what's been added to testing?

Edit: The fourth point is germane to the idea of having separate threads for submissions to testing and things that are already out of testing. I think this section is intended for things that are found in the "applications" section of MyDSL, not things in (or announcements for things that have been submitted to) "testing."

Sorry, when I try to post in the "The Testing Area" I get a message:

"Sorry, you do not have permission to start a topic in this forum"

PHP/Python - Boy, it was more of a trip through fumble-finger land than I thought!  Sorry.

Sorry, when I try to post in the "The Testing Area" I get a message:
Typically you can respond to the new extensions thread of the month

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