Release Candidates :: DSLv3.0RC1

Or if it must be dark, this theme-> fluXbox  
edited by

toolbar.borderWidth: 3
toolbar: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.color: #525252
toolbar.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.justify: center
toolbar.textcolor: #77c21d
toolbar.shaped: TRUE
toolbar.button: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.button.color: #bddb01
toolbar.button.colorTo: #1f6612
toolbar.button.picColor: #000000
toolbar.button.pressed: sunken bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.button.pressed.color: #1e1e1e
toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo: #525252

toolbar.clock: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.clock.color: #525252
toolbar.clock.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.clock.textColor: #77c21d

toolbar.label: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.label.color: #525252
toolbar.label.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.label.textColor: #77c21d

toolbar.windowLabel: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.windowLabel.color: #525252
toolbar.windowLabel.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.windowLabel.textColor: #77c21d

menu.title: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.title.color: #525252
menu.title.colorTo: #1e1e1e
menu.title.textColor: #77c21d
menu.title.justify: center

menu.frame: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.frame.color: #1e1e1e
menu.frame.colorTo: #525252
menu.frame.textColor: #77c21d
menu.frame.justify: left

menu.hilite: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.hilite.color: #bddb01
menu.hilite.colorTo: #1e1e1e
menu.hilite.textColor: #000000

menu.roundCorners: topleft topright bottomright bottomleft

menu.bullet: triangle
menu.bullet.position: right

window.justify: center

window.title.height: 24

window.title.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.title.focus.color: #525252
window.title.focus.colorTo: #1e1e1e
window.title.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.title.unfocus.color: #525252
window.title.unfocus.colorTo: #1e1e1e

window.label.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.label.focus.color: #bddb01
window.label.focus.colorTo: #1f6612
window.label.focus.textColor: #000000
window.label.unfocus: sunken bevel gradient vertical
window.label.unfocus.color: #2e2e2e
window.label.unfocus.colorTo: #616161
window.label.unfocus.textColor: #77c21d

window.button.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.button.focus.color: #616161
window.button.focus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.button.focus.picColor: #77c21d
window.button.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.button.unfocus.color: #616161
window.button.unfocus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.button.unfocus.picColor: #77c21d
window.button.pressed: sunken bevel gradient vertical
window.button.pressed.color: #1e1e1e
window.button.pressed.colorTo: #525252

window.frame.focusColor: #1e1e1e
window.frame.unfocusColor: #525252

window.handleWidth: 8

window.handle.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.handle.focus.color: #616161
window.handle.focus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.handle.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.handle.unfocus.color: #616161
window.handle.unfocus.colorTo: #2e2e2e

window.grip.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.grip.focus.color: #bddb01
window.grip.focus.colorTo: #1f6612
window.grip.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.grip.unfocus.color: #525252
window.grip.unfocus.colorTo: #1e1e1e

borderColor: #2e2e2e
window.roundCorners: TopRight TopLeft BottomRight BottomLeft
bevelWidth: 4
borderWidth: 1
handleWidth: 5

*Font:                          -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

rootCommand: xsri --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/3D.jpg

Your choice of backgrounds->

roberts, Great job! ... Thanks  :D
I agree overall, a very great job!

I'm fully up and running->

Thank you MadHatter Penguin for letting us use your great "A penguin with a hat".
Robert, John,

it looks great! Congratulations!
I can't install DSL 3.0 RC1 now because I have to work at my office, but I'll give it a try asap.
I already can't wait to use the new unc extensions, which seems quite a very big deal and the conclusion of a very great effort. All people with low ram requirements as I would just be so happy!

thank you, thank you, thank you!!


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