Release Candidates :: DSL v4.0rc4

edited "the part of the post of wirless card was send to networking section"

sugestión: for the next ver of dsl 4 family add emelfm-su and dspanel how small icons in the bar near dsl menu box , i think that  with aterm and firefox are the most used...

sorry false alarm...

the problem is with the usb card no with dsl 4 rc 4 the problem persists with ver dsl 3.4.0

admin change the post to network wireless section please...

Has/Will the usb toram from vfat fix be added to this release?
Quote (chaostic @ Sep. 30 2007,22:19)
Has/Will the usb toram from vfat fix be added to this release?

I am not aware of any issues in this regard.
In fact I am posting this from a toram booted usb pendrive.
Of course, depending on how you installed DSL on the pendrive, or if you have mounted MyDSL extensions then it could most certainly affect whether the pendrive remains mounted or not.

Note that DSL v4 has significantly changed the pendrive install script. This places the small DSL partition at the end of the drive and the remaining (beginnning) of the drive is for extensions and can be shared with Windows. A single vfat partiton is probamatic for two reasons, size issues on large drives, and permission issues with root owning the entire partiton becasue of vfat

Quote (roberts @ Oct. 01 2007,11:18)
Quote (chaostic @ Sep. 30 2007,22:19)
Has/Will the usb toram from vfat fix be added to this release?

I am not aware of any issues in this regard.
In fact I am posting this from a toram booted usb pendrive.
Of course, depending on how you installed DSL on the pendrive, or if you have mounted MyDSL extensions then it could most certainly affect whether the pendrive remains mounted or not.

Note that DSL v4 has significantly changed the pendrive install script. This places the small DSL partition at the end of the drive and the remaining (beginnning) of the drive is for extensions and can be shared with Windows. A single vfat partiton is probamatic for two reasons, size issues on large drives, and permission issues with root owning the entire partiton becasue of vfat

No, its understandable. The problem arises when you use a vfat formatted partition to hold the embedded install (Oh, and whats the difference between embedded and frugal?). The linuxrc script copies the knoppix image over to the temporary /cdrom2, and thats where the toram fails (and I assume, to hd as well), because vfat is a case insensitive filesystem. The linuxrc script is expecting "KNOPPIX" when the file is copied over as "knoppix". The fix is adding a "mv $SOURCE/$KNOPPIX_DIR/knoppix $TARGET/$KNOPPIX_DIR/$KNOPPIX" to rename the copied KNOPPIX file. (Will post the real line, or a diff/patch file when I get home).

Just thinking about it, that might result in an error if used in a two partition (vfat,ext2) usb boot situation (since the "knoppix" file would not be found in that case), so a test to see if the file exists first would be required, so essentially, just a two/three line fix (if, then, fi)

(Just of note, I used the unzip -> fat32 usb drive with syslinux.exe in windows method to install DSL on the drive)

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