Site News :: DSL v4.3

(Maybe I've been reading lucky13's blog too much!)


I'm color blind and sometimes have a heck of a time with certain color combinations.

Interested in a high contrast theme?

Hello guys!

I'm using fluxbox and I would really get rid of those small windows (4 in a row) that are found to the right of the taskbar (down in the right corner). I have done it by changing the .xinitrc but that affected the Mydsl entry in the menu. So the question is: can it be done in another way? Thankful for any hints.

Have fun with this new version of DSL,


The version of DMIX in v4.3 is not the latest one I advised of during the RC process. There is an error in line 286 of the code that results in a problem when the left volume is set higher than the right. When set like this & 'lock' mode is used & the right slider is adjusted the right volume is not restricted when the left volume reaches 100 (& attempts are made to set the left volume to values >100). The revised code is in the file dmix-loc.tar.gz (file date 10/4/08) at

Having problems with Firefox (runing DSL under Innotek VirtualBox on WinXP). Clicking the icon, or starting from an aterm results in CPU usage rising & the falling back. no windows opened. The mozilla directory is created in home. Firefox has worked OK under these conditions before.

I'm using fluxbox and I would really get rid of those small windows (4 in a row) that are found to the right of the taskbar (down in the right corner). I have done it by changing the .xinitrc but that affected the Mydsl entry in the menu. So the question is: can it be done in another way?
Look in ~/ for fluxter

Having problems with Firefox (runing DSL under Innotek VirtualBox on WinXP).
Working fine here.  Corrupt download?

Having the new mydslbrowser.lua included is great - thanks mikshaw.

* Optomized minirt24.gz - much smaller.
I think that should be Optimized

Other things:
- the menus in jwm too dark IMO, but the rest were fine (I mainly use fluxbox anyways)
- the new buttons in jwm do look like they might take up too much space.  Is it necessary to have these by default?
- afaik the preferred short form of Firefox is Fx
- I agree that Firefox could be an updated version, unless there is a reason... (pending response from John I suppose)

Thanks a lot "hats"!

I've just rebooted after uncommenting fluxter and now finally I have a clean window, just like I want. Is there by any chance a way to make fluxbox the primary wm without using bootcodes? That would be a help. Thanks again!

Keep on having fun with DSL,

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