Multimedia :: Flashplayer
Where is the flashpalyer dsl ? Installed 2.1 can't find flash. Help!
There is no flashplayer dsl. Licensing restrictions apparently forbid redistribution. Download the player from and extract the *.so file into /opt/.firefox_plugins
Thanks! I extracted it in home and moved it into /opt( but I don't know how to get into firefox plugins. Permisssion denied. I see there's no "paste" function.
"mv /opt/ /opt/.firefox_plugins/" (note the dot and the trailing slash)
If this doesn't work,
"sudo mv /opt/ /opt/.firefox_plugins/"
Can't get it to work. I can install dsl ok but I've never messed around with the file system. Mandriva and Xandros is what I use mainly so this quite unusual. Anyway I have unpacked on the left side and /opt/firefox/plugins showing on the right side. Whenever I try to move or copy I get "permission denied" on the bottom. I guess it's moot anyway. When I try mplayer my cpu usage is so great that it freezes. That's what I wanted flash for. I reinstalled dsl and will forgo flash. Thanks for the help.
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