Multimedia :: Viewing Files On A CD

Maybe you need to connect the drive to your soundcard.

Those messages always show when running xmms in DSL. They aren't vital issues.

Meanwhile in response to "xmms cdrom" xmms loads on the desktop and starts playing track 01/15 without any sound output.

Ignore the libasound messages. Did you go to XMMS preferences (ctrl-p) to at least check the configuration of the plugin, much less make sure it's set for your hardware (e.g., digital playback if you lack an audio cable)?

If your cdrom is not cable connected to your sound card, or even if it is...

I use the xmms plugin xmms-cdread.dsl in the multimedia section of the repository.

Then start xmms with the device name of your cdrom drive.

xmms /dev/cdrom

The first track will start playing. Click on the "PL" (playlist) on xmms. This will display all the titles available. Double click to skip to a song, or create a custom playlist.

Interesting.. The menu item, xmms /dev/cdrom, didn't work for me either. But xmms /cdrom did, for a regular audio cd (?)
Thanks gents for all the input.

I downloaded xmms_cdread.dsl and entered "xmms /dev/cdrom". The same lib blah blah blah response was displayed but this time xmms appeared on the desktop and started to play track01 of the audio cd.

Next I went Apps>Sound>Xmms Play CD and got the expected result.

Sound quality is fine. For the record I'm using an onboard Intel 8201DB AC'97 Audio Controller with a small pair of powered Creative speakers plugged into the pc's Line Out socket.

That xmms-cdread.dsl seems to be the business. Maybe it should be an integral part of the xmms app?

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