Multimedia :: Realplayer 10 in DSL?

hey guys
has anyone got Realplayer 10 working on DSL
im gonna apt-get alien and download rp10 and install it with alien
ill probably do it off a live cd cause last time alien broke fluxbox
anyother suggestions?

nevermind guys i got it working
i thought i was doing something cool but its actually really simple
o well

How did you do this?  I have tried a number of things, all of which seem to need other dependencies which I can't seem to resolve.
go to  and download the .bin (linux static) file to your home dir
open up root xterm
make sure you are in your home dir
type chmod 755 nameoffile.bin
then ./nameoffile.bin
which will extract and install the files
specify what directory you want for the files
then cd to whatever dir and execute realplay
thats how u do it

Not as simple as it looks, at least not for me.

've tried to install on a couple of different systems (P2 and P4) and I've had the same dependencies problem on each  It says it requires the gtk, gdk, atk, pango and pangox libraries.

I've tried the primary build, the 586 version, and the 386 version, and get the same dependencies error with all of them. I'm running dsl 0.92, so there _shouldn't_ be any missing libraries!

Any new  ideas?


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