Multimedia :: No sound!!

I am new to linux. I've tried ubuntu live cd...and it was perfect, everything worked fine. So thought i would give DSL a try...i am using the live cd. I was able to configure the network without probs, but i don't know what to do about the sound. I tried searching the whole day resisting to post. But can't find anything for my soundmax audio...
I am having a Asus K8v-x motherboard with soundmax audio. Plz guys, help me out...

It looks like you should be able to get your soundcard working with ALSA.  It is  available as a dsl extension at

You'll have to do some reading about how to configure your system to use it once it is installed.  It looks like there is an auto-config tool that you run from the command line - alsaconfig.

The SoundMAX chip is integrated onto motherboards, and I think the driver is then determined by the mainboard chipset.  Your motherboard is VIA, so I think (?) the OSS driver would be via82cxxx_audio.o.  Try this -
modprobe via82cxxx_audio


The alsadebs.dsl extension is for DSL versions 0.8 through 1.5 ONLY

If you have DSL 2.0, get the alsa.dsl extension from the myDSL testing section.

I'm gonna thread ride here for a little help. I got the Alsa.dsl (for 2.0).......its sitting in my /home/dsl. Now what do I do? BTW, I'm running a HDD install here.
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