Laptops :: Satellite 4060XCDT won't start frugal at 1024x768

I have a Toshiba Satellite 4060XCDT with 96 MB of RAM. I use a USB mouse with it. I can boot from the LiveCD at the laptop's native resolution, if I add "fb1024x768" as a boot parameter.

After doing a frugal_grub install, I can't run at 1024x768. The laptop boots, things seem to go fine till shortly after the "INIT: Entering runlevel: 5" line. After that, the following lines appear:

sr0: CDROM (ioctl) reports ILLEGAL REQUEST.
sr0: CDROM (ioctl) reports ILLEGAL REQUEST.
su(pam_unix)[520]: session opened for user dsl by (uid=0)
Using Xvesa default 1024x768x32 -mouse "/dev'input/mice" mouse
xauth: creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority
xauth: creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority

Nothing happens after that. The cursor remains blinking in the lower left corner.

If I select the FB800x700 Grub entry, X setup runs after the su(pam_unix) line. If I select xfbdev, Yes dor USB mouse and so on, it boots fine at 800x600.

Can someone help me get it to boot at 1024x768?

I did not find many instructions on the frugal install. I followed most of the directions at

I have a Similar issue on a Satellite 4080XCDT.

When booting from Live CD, will not boot with VESA video, but if I use FB1024x768 and use the Xfbdev xserver all is fine

Once installed on HD, and select Fb1024x768 and again select the Xfdev xserver, I get an error:

modprobe can not load libary fb0:

Any pointers......

Regardless of cheatcodes selected, your bootloader is what determines your initial framebuffer mode.

Whether GRUB or LILO, there is usually a


line located near your APPEND statement.

You will need to enter the right code for your frame buffer (see the F3 page on the Livecd boot menu) and then save your config file and then rerun your bootloader to activate your changes

I was not talking about the cheatcodes.

On the live CD there are two ways to book, using the the Xfbdev which is a frame buffer mode, or Xvesa witch will use standard Vga.

on older notbooks with minimula video ram, the Frame buffer is your only option to get 1024x768 on a 15" LCD.

Thus when trying to use the Xfbdev after a fregual install, I get the following:

modprobe: can't locate module fb0

what can i do to make use the frame buffer code is activated in the kernal.


Livecd and USBpendrive systems use eithe SYSLINUX or ISOLINUX for the bootloader.

You can enable the KERNEL FRAME BUFFER CODE by specifying the appropriate cheatcode combination as I mentioned above.

Frugal or hard drive installs usually use either LILO or GRUB for the bootloader.

To enable the KERNEL FRAME BUFFER CODE, you need to specify a frame buffer code in the "vga=xxx" line inside your bootloader configuration file.  Then you save this file and activate your changes by re-running the bootloader install program.

Once you are up and running with a valid kernel frame buffer, you then need to specify the xfbdev server in order to use this frame buffer for xwindows purposes.

Hopefully, I make more sense now.

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