Apt-get :: apt-get update and apt-get install

I'm new to Linux, and struggling.

I need to run /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr after boot from a remastered CD

To do this after reboot I have to Enable Apt.

I'm doing this automatically by putting 'sudo dkpg-restore' in the .xinitrc file

I also have to run these two commands from a shell:
'apt-get update'
'apt-get install cpio libxaw6'

I've tried to get these two commands to run automatically on reboot by putting them in the .xinitrc as well, without effect.

How can I get these commands to run automatically after reboot?


You could put dsl-dpkg.dsl or dsl-dpkg.unc either inside your remaster, or use the mydsl directory and it will autoload at boot time. You should save your deb package(s) and use the dpkg-i your_pkg_name.deb to install them, this command could be placed in /opt/bootlocal.sh. This way you won't need to enable-apt or to download everytime with apt-get install(s)

I do have the dsl-dpkg.dsl in the MyDSL directory on the remaster, which I thought would fix the issue, but is not.

Where are the deb packages downloaded to where do I save them?  I looked for them and was not successful - probably because of my linux stupidity.

Thanks for responding - with your help I think I'm getting there.

You can find all of your downloaded debs in


Thanks - I assume I can save them anywhere so long as I reference where they are in the dpkg-i your_pkg_name.deb command?

Thanks - hope you're having a nice holiday.

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