
Group: Members
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Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Aug. 18 2008,15:16 |
Thanks to jls legalize for:
Code Sample | Title: atmelusb2.4.31.dsl Description: Atmel USB WLAN Drivers Version: 0.11 Author: Jorg Albert Original-site: Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 191K ]==----- Extension by: jls legalize Comments: berliOS at76c503a linux driver package version 0.11 for Atmel AT76C503/505A based USB WLAN adaptors from compiled for DSL kernel 2.4.31 by jls legalize, aug 2008, dsl-4.4.3 These are alternative drivers to the USB versions provided by the Sourcforge atmelwlandriver package. The author, Jorg Albert, claims these drivers are better. The wireless adaptor must me plugged in after the system is started To configure the wireless adaptor, iwconfig should be used. The following drivers are provided. at76c503-i3861 at76c503-i3863 at76c503-rfmd-acc at76c503-rfmd at76c503 at76c505-rfmd at76c505-rfmd2958 usbdfu the scanning of the access points is not working Change-log: Current: 2008/08/16