
Group: Members
Posts: 453
Joined: Oct. 2004 |
Posted: April 07 2006,13:46 |
Just my opinion, but if Negreponte REALLY wanted to provide the best he could, then he wouldn't be talking to McGates in the first place. Although this project (and a few others) are trying legitimately to provide something that could prove very positive, it seems to be turning into more of a publicity campaign than anything else. I think it is great that large corporations want to get involved and it is even better that Linux may be in the mix, however, it seems to be headed down the same path as so many other well intentioned programs to help those they believe are in need. It starts as a really swell idea, but then becomes more of a "look what I am doing for these people" type of thing.
Of course, I have all the answers. (NOT!) If big boys want to be involved then let them subsidize the cost of the gear and produce something a little more powerfull and still put DSL or a custom DSL on the thing. If people really want to help others, then they would make a sacrifice and eat some of the cost and not be in it just so they can tell the public, "See what we are doing!" But as long as that IS what they are doing, they should belly up to the bar and pay the tab.