
Group: Members
Posts: 4983
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: June 20 2008,15:34 |
That thread was locked, but not by your request, Mr. Murga. It was locked by request. It clearly shows how you chose to handle this matter.
All this ill will could have been avoided, but you, Mr Murga, choose to attack and quite strongly not only here but on your site.
You, Mr Murga, chose to shoot first, not asking any questions. Making a huge public display that could only serve to start the mud slinging.
It is preserved in that thread that your position changed several times. First that your code was bastardized. With the last being that murgaLua was designed to run only form the command prompt. When each point was refuted you moved to something else.
Then finally after things couldn't get any worse you post and finally email me with your one single lua script, fltk.lua ,with a claim that attributions and license reference were removed.
Here is a comparison of the claimed file that violates the GPL. (see
The first code is from murgaLua, and as you can see there is no attribution or copyright included with this script. This script can be found in the murgaLua release at and found in the src/ directory of said archive.
Quote | local base = _G local socket = require("socket")
-- -- Quick override to the FLTK functions --
murgaLuagloabl = {}
You can see nothing of the sort of attrubtion or copyrights were removed as there were none, in fact you see comments of how and why of the mods together with script porition from MurgaLuaLib.lua which is given credit.
Quote | -- Loading and initializing the murgalua-fltk extension -- name of the init function in fltk extension is "init_lua_fltk_State", -- but the symbol corresponding to this function in the shared library -- is changed by the C++ name mangling scheme of gcc. assert( package.loadlib("/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/", "_Z19init_lua_fltk_StateP9lua_State") )() -- The following is to setup Fltk theme for lua fltk bindings. pcall ( function() dofile(os.getenv("HOME").."/.luafltkrc") end )
-- The following functions are the additional bindings (menus) for FLTK -- and are extracted from MurgaLua 0.6.8 distro (file src/MurgaLuaLib.lua) local base = _G local socket = require("socket")
-- -- Quick override to the FLTK functions --
murgaLua__global = {}
function getMenu(self) ...
It was I who was recommending to John after receiving our first and only email from you; the following:
Quote | We could add lines to give credit to John Murga in this modified script and add a generic reference to gpl2 with a link to the the full GPL license which already exists in every DSL iso.
So we finally got down to one lua script with a false claim that DSL removed attrubtions and license reference.
For all to see nothing was removed. Also is the fact that DSL, John, nor I, modified this script, rather the 3rd party. The simple matter of adding attributions and a gpl license reference could have been quickly handled privately and avoid the incident that you, Mr Murga, chose.
And now - what kumbaya?
We may have settled on a technical agreement which is more than the above.
You, Mr Murga, were demanding that your name and copywrite appear on every invocation of the standard Lua interpreter. What an amazing demand. Of course I rejected it. You, Mr Murga did not write Lua, or Fltk, or Lua sockets or Lua filesystem.
I am glad that you came to your senses to accepted my offer that your copywrite notice to appear for every command line invocation only for code that you actually wrote.
But can you imagine if every developer made such demands.
Look at it from a perl perspective. Every library (pm) that your perl uses need to print banners upon every startup from every developer. I am sure glad that is not the case.
Can you imagine, if every developer of lua code required a modified Lua interpreter so that their name and copywrite was displayed.
We may have a technical agreement that I will implement in DSL v4. But I have great reservations on moving forward.
While I admire your work and chose it even after warning of your other assocations. I do not admire your approach to handling issues that may arise between our projects.
So you, Mr. Murga, wanted this matter handled publically and not privately. You now have my final word on the this matter publically.
You have your GPL + strings, you have your ambassador assigned. I don't see any reason for your continued posts as it appears only to serve as further incitment of futher ill will
It is done.