
Group: Members
Posts: 69
Joined: Jan. 2006 |
Posted: Jan. 10 2006,00:15 |
Wahoo Thierry, you're the only one now to give me some feedback, Thx a lot for answering the pending questions I had. I'll have to go through all the doc now, but I like it.
In my IT club, the Linux Gurus are not so enthusiastic to help me because they wait for the equivalent light version on the Ubuntu Dapper 6.04 coming in April and called Xubuntu. I don't want to wait so long to use my old PC!!!
Actually I did what you said regarding .xinitrc. Your answer was right but the result is the same. What I think is that there is no French (for France) keyboard. But if xkeycaps work, that will do.
Anyway I like this DSL package. I think if we can go thru, one developper wrote me he would be happy to include it (as far as I understood his pure English which is not my case!!). Well I think we can go ahead, and for the final result we'll see what can be done for us, otherwise, maybe we'll be able to include, ourselves what we found, in the regular version.
Actually it would not be stupid to have a "pure" French keyboard, as long as there is one for Italy, Germany, UK which means high population (Compared to Europe of course!!).
Well I'm gonna look at your "homework" and come back on line as soon as I have a result. If you go faster, do not hesitate to let us know. Maybe other French will be happy for that!!
Have a nice day Thierry, I'll have a short night!!!