
Group: Members
Posts: 146
Joined: Sep. 2004 |
Posted: Oct. 26 2004,14:34 |
Well I suppose regulars may have seen one or two of my posts - these tend to be at varying levels of understanding or otherwise.
I've been busy elsewhere lately and it's all because of dsl. During many years of Win & Mac, and after several early years of ye olde system languages at university many years ago (I can't tell you how insanely awful punch card input with a large assembly language program was - several runs just to get the typos out!). Would have been easier to rewire Eniac. (The year after me got interactive terminals!).
I never had the slightest inclination to learn any scripting or probe any deeper into the workings of the evil box. I downloaded dsl initially because it was a small download cf. big distros and I had a nagging unexplained desire to fiddle about with linux. I had heard, and had an inkling, that linux was the way to really start learning a bit more about the technology and I was right.
DSL, with its minimalist philosophy and clean lines, intrigued me and I have found it's just not good enough with dsl not to take an interest in the command line, so I've been teaching myself bash scripting (which I like), and am now 85% way through the python tutorial also (object oriented was initially v strange, like Venusian, but I'm getting the hang of it).
Groping around with dsl and bash/python is quite educational - I want to know more. When I can write a few workable python scripts I might even look further.
I'm even half toying with the idea of returning to some further (probably online) study in the IT area if I can deal with all the practical hurdles. But there's a lot to consider ...including the stability (or otherwise) of my present employment and minor details like eating...
Anyway my grateful thanks to all the dsl developers and supporters for their efforts.
Just to let you know it's had an impact on me and my interest in the technology...
-------------- "We don't need no stinkin' Windows"