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Topic: Using DSL for an LCD Picture-Frame project< Next Oldest | Next Newest >

Posted: Nov. 14 2004,10:31 QUOTE

Thanks for some key pieces of info!

Didn't realize the RO option in fstab doesn't work...  Guess that's the difference between theory and practice.

The "tune2fs -j" command is sweet.  I had to format as ext2 because that's what tomsrtbt (Tom's root boot) supported, but, after running tune2fs and remembering to update /etc/fstab I have a journalling fs.  Oddly at boot, I still see a message like:

EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2): ext2_read_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2

but when I check using "mount" after boot, it is correctly mounted as ext3.  Where could this error be coming from?

I saw the automatic login in 8.4 but don't yet know how it works.  Does it a replace the "login" command similar to what I describe on my site?  Does it automatically login as root?
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beakmyn Offline

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Posts: 63
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Posted: Nov. 14 2004,19:55 QUOTE

EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2): ext2_read_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2

I don't remember seeing that but I remember seeing a mount remount of /dev/hda1 in the knoppix-autoconfig. I'm going to have to a take a more detailed look at this script. I'm still unsure of the bootup process and since I'm no linux expert I'm not sure of all things involved. My guesses are there's other scripts and possibly kernel parameters that I don't know about yet.

I saw the automatic login in 8.4 but don't yet know how it works.  Does it a replace the "login" command similar to what I describe on my site?  Does it automatically login as root?

Another thing I'll have to look into. I just took it as a happy side effect of not having multiple users.

I'll probably have to do some researching on the Knoppix forums to get some answers.

Have you seen my Damn Small Digital Picture frame?
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beakmyn Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 63
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Posted: Nov. 17 2004,18:16 QUOTE

Ok so I got a chance to read through knoppix-autoconfig. It seems that at line 472
Code Sample

if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
echo "${BLUE}Running from HD, checking filesystems...${NORMAL}"
# We are running from HD, so a file system check is recommended
[ -f /etc/init.d/ ] && /etc/init.d/
[ -f /etc/init.d/ ]   && /etc/init.d/

# / must be read-write in any case, starting from here
mount -o remount,rw / 2>/dev/null

if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
echo -n "${BLUE}Running from HD, regenerate and modules.dep...${NORMAL}"
# Regenerate and module dependencies on HD
ldconfig; depmod -a 2>/dev/null
echo ""

So maybe is the place for the reboot script?

But at Line 925
Code Sample

# Start creating /etc/fstab with HD partitions and USB SCSI devices now
if checkbootparam "nofstab"; then
echo " ${BLUE}Skipping /etc/fstab creation as requested on boot commandline.${NORMAL}"
echo -n "${BLUE}Scanning for Harddisk partitions and creating ${YELLOW}/etc/fstab${BLUE}... "
rebuildfstab -r -u knoppix -g knoppix >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ -e /var/run/ ]; then
# Another instance of rebuildfstab, probably from hotplug, is still running, so just wait.
sleep 8
echo "${GREEN}Done.${NORMAL}"

It seems there is a nofstab option. Is this why DSL is not reading my /etc/fstab?

Then there's this at line 1030
Code Sample

case "$(file -s $1)" in
*[Ff][Aa][Tt]*|*[Xx]86*) echo "vfat"; return 0;;
*[Rr][Ee][Ii][Ss][Ee][Rr]*)  echo "reiserfs"; return 0;;
*[Xx][Ff][Ss]*)  echo "xfs"; return 0;;
*[Ee][Xx][Tt]3*) echo "ext3"; return 0;;
*[Ee][Xx][Tt]2*) echo "ext2"; return 0;;
*data*)          echo "invalid"; return 0;;
*) echo "auto"; return 0;;

# Try to mount this filesystem read-only, without or with encryption
# Check if already mounted
case "$(cat /proc/mounts)" in *\ $2\ *) return 0;; esac
# Apparently, mount-aes DOES autodetect AES loopback files.
[ -b "$1" ] && { mount -t auto -o ro "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null; RC="$?"; }
# We need to mount crypto-loop files with initial rw support
[ -f "$1" ] && { mount -t auto -o loop,rw "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null; RC="$?"; }
# Mount succeeded?
[ "$RC" = "0" ] && return 0
echo ""
echo "${CYAN}Filesystem not autodetected, trying to mount $1 with AES256 encryption${NORMAL}"
while [ "$a" != "n" -a "$a" != "N" ]; do
# We need to mount crypto-loop files with initial rw support
mount -t auto -o loop,rw,encryption=AES256 "$1" "$2" && return 0
echo -n "${RED}Mount failed, retry? [Y/n] ${NORMAL}"
read a
return 1

So, it appears there's at least 3 spots I could possibly modify. I'd rather have /mnt/hda1 be readonly to begin with then I don't have to worry about corruption, but then I'm not sure which portion I need to modify.

Have you seen my Damn Small Digital Picture frame?
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