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Topic: Using DSL for an LCD Picture-Frame project< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
cgp3389 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 12 2004,16:24 QUOTE

Yes, the laptop will display 16 and 24 bit color depth but max resolution for the panel is 800x600 so I will have to scale the pictures.  I am going to make scaled copies of the original scans at a lower resolution in jpeg format instead of the original tiff in order to save space on the final CD. The laptop is a Compaq Armada 7700 (and its a 233mhz processor not a 266 like I said earlier)

As far as using a CF memory card, I don't have any large enough for this and one of the side benefits of doing it with a CD is that It will be one less laptop and cd-rom drive in my collection. I plan to leave the drive exposed in the enclosure so that I can just send the folks a new CD once in a while.

Right now I need to figure out how to get my pictures on the CD with DSL and get dsl to load without prompts of any kind.  As I said, DSL didn't require any special choices during load from the ISO I got.  Just pressed enter when asked to log in and selected 0 (for the 80x25 line option) when asked about video.

I've been reading the documentaion that I can find but I am not too familiar with working with isofs.  I don't know where/how to make the changes I need.  Last night I ftp'd the /home/dsl directory from the ram drive to another pc so i could look at the xinit and bash stuff.  

If I make changes to the files and recreate /home/dsl on the root of the CD will it be used instead of the /home/dsl that is unpacked (from somewhere) in to the ram-disk?  The readme file talks about backing up and restoring settings.  I need to learn more about this.

I am working with DSL on the laptop that I intend to use for the project.  There is no floppy to backup to.  I have tried a few hard drives but for some reason I can't get DSL to see it.

I would prefer to do the remastering work on a win2k pc since they are the ones with the CD burning hardware.  I use CDRWin ( because I am a control freak. I don't mind creating the remastered iso on a Linux pc but I have no idea what I am doing yet...

Right now I am trying to grasp exactly what is going on when the DSL cd boots.  Is that 49mb Knoppix file an iso?  Is that where the ram-drive gets its directory structure?  Would it be possible to copy all the files from the DSL CD to a Windows based pc and make my changes and add my slides there and then recreate the iso and create a new disk using the boot-0.8.0.img from the DSL files site as boot sector image for the new bootable CD?

I know I can do this whole thing quite easily (except maybe the whole ftp or http access part ) using DOS and some freeware slide programs.  But where's the fun in that!?

I think DSL is great, I am definitely going to continue to use this after my slide viewer is done.
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Posted: Oct. 14 2004,16:14 QUOTE


Check out my site or my LUG site then click my head (blue one) - - or google for nomasteryoda.

I found several Datalux PCs with 12.1" LCD screens... 2 of which worked. I installed DSL 0.8.1 on one of them ...
i used feh to do the display slideshow... small and fast - and used synaptic to do the install. I can remotely upload images to it and start/stop the slideshow or reboot the system from anywhere.

... complete directions on my site...

I would recommend resizing the images down between 72-96dpi @ 1024x768 resolution for the laptop you are using... GIMP works well for this purpose... The reason? It sounds like you are working with a slow system with limited video ram.

Otherwise, very nice idea

nomasteryoda - out
email me if you have a question < jeff at mgalug dot org >
or drop by our IRC in the evenings after 5pm EST < #mgalug >
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Posted: Oct. 14 2004,16:29 QUOTE

Sry, didn't see the part that you have only 800x600... i resized my pics down to that level ... but feh will scale them for you if you want

Also... having a HD adapter cable helps... I use a 80 to 40 IDE adapter to connect my Laptop HD to my desktop system ... Since the Datalux PC only has serial / parallel / PCMCIA and no Floppy or CDrom drives I had to do it this way. But of course, DSL has excellent auto-detection of devices so moving the HD from one system to another was absolutely no problem. I did choose to use 0.8.1 due to some error when trying to boot using 0.8.2...

good luck,

nomasteryoda - out
(Yes, the unregistered post under nomasteryoda is mine)
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irun5k Offline

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Posted: Oct. 15 2004,19:16 QUOTE

Check out my EPIA 5000, DSL based frame.

I highly recommend feh as a slideshow for its command line options.  Available via apt-get.  Also, grab unclutter with apt-get to hide the mouse cursor.

I also use a kernel mod "powerswitch.o" for a clean "shutdown -h now" on an atx power button press.  I compiled it for the last .7x? (I think) release of DSL.
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ericschrauth Offline

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Posted: Oct. 26 2004,01:56 QUOTE


What source did you use for the lcd screen?
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