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Topic: DSL on 700 Mb cd-r< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ke4nt1 Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003
Posted: Nov. 13 2004,14:03 QUOTE

If you burn your .iso image in "multisession" mode, leaving the disk "open" ,
you can burn a "second" session which can include ALL that you want on the CD,
up to the 700 MB limit, without any additional software other than your
existing CD burning software. ( nero, prassi, stomp, easy CD creaor, etc..)

This will be seen by both DSL and windows..

If you place several extensions in a directory (folder) called "optional" ,
they will be automatically added to the MENU in your DSL desktop..

No need to rebuild an .iso file, or download any iso busting software...
And, this can be done just as easy in Linux as it is in Windows..
It's very easy to burn multisession cd's from the command line in DSL .

Search the forums for the words "multisession" and/or "session" .
There are several post which cover this in much greater detail.

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