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Topic: Help with Automatically Loading App at Startup< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,20:03 QUOTE

Ok, I got that issue resolved!

Now I can't seem to get it to automatically load into console mode (dsl 2) with no prompt at startup.  

Can anyone help?  I'm not turning much up searching the forums.
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BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,20:59 QUOTE

X that, I figured it out on my own. :)
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BuGaLoU Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,22:53 QUOTE

Ok, now that I have this working, I have another question.
I suppose this isn't specific to DSL, but none the less I need to know how to do it.

Basically I need the tn5250 to run on the console (AS400 display session), and I need another program called lp5250d (AS400 printer session) to run either in the background, or on a second hidden console.  Both of these should be automatically run at start up.  I already have the display session working.
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clivesay Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,23:03 QUOTE

I'll love to know the details of this project when you get everything running. Our company's main system is the AS400.

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clacker Offline

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Posted: Dec. 12 2004,23:46 QUOTE

BuGaLoU, you can run programs in the background by following the command with an ampersand (&) on the same line.  Like

lp5250d &

the ps show all of your running programs.  You can use fg job afterwords to bring that job back to the foreground if you need to.

Hope this helps.
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19 replies since Dec. 11 2004,23:06 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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