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Topic: AHH help! linux noobie!im gunna cry, I cant seem to install anything< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
newOldUser Offline

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Posted: Dec. 29 2005,04:29 QUOTE

Use the My DSL icon on the desktop to find the program you need.  When you find it click on the Download button that appears in the window that shows information about that program.  After it downloads right click on the desktop to bring up the menu.. Look in the MyDSL entry of the menu and see if you new program is there... it should be.  Left click on the new menu entry to start the program. It may be easier then you think.

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xmikeox Offline

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Posted: Dec. 29 2005,04:35 QUOTE

thats exactly what I need Your the best, bt now when i click limewire in "mydsl" it does not open? it just closes my menu and nothing happens wait nevermind I found out its java, to change the subject can I have both DSL and winxp installed on one hd? and have dsl save to the hd? is that possible
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Ploppy Offline

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Joined: Feb. 2005
Posted: Feb. 02 2006,20:06 QUOTE

After installing software under dsl you wouldnt get a "thank you" message like running windows , but you may find a new icon on your desktop or a new entry in your menu (rightclick mouse somewhere).
Some programs want to get started by typing their name below in the emelfm comandline or in the xterm
window. If a program doesnt start I would try this , type in its name in the Aterminal , often you may get helpfull errormessages.
I only tried out a DSL live CD on my wifes XP , and it worked fine , me myself would never use any
spyware like XP    :D
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7 replies since Dec. 28 2005,16:36 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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