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Topic: Auto-run ftp help, Need command to autostart ftp< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ApocalypseFalcon Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2006,21:45 QUOTE

what is the command to autostart beta-FTP. also, how do you log in with the ftp client

also i need this for a hard drive install of v1.2 :)
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newOldUser Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2006,23:36 QUOTE

It basically the same answer that was given for starting the monkey server... I think the cheat code if "ftp".  I don't have it right in front of me... but go to the main webpage... and then select on the WIKI link.  Then look for the "cheat codes" entry.  Or boot DSL from the live CD and hit F2, I'm pretty sure it lists them there.

If that doesn't work edit /opt/ to have the command to start the server.

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ApocalypseFalcon Offline

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Posted: Mar. 14 2006,19:14 QUOTE

yes, i have the /opt/ command for monkey web server, but i need the /opt/ for autostarting Beta-FTP. I have an ftp client I know that I can ftp with, i just need to know how to autostart the daemon in /opt/ so I can auto power-on the server and have the ftp allready running.
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clivesay Offline

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Posted: Mar. 14 2006,19:22 QUOTE

NewOldUser provided the answer in his post. Add 'ftp' to the append line in lilo or grub or as a cheatcode like 'dsl ftp' if booting with a live cd

Good luck
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ApocalypseFalcon Offline

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Posted: Mar. 16 2006,15:27 QUOTE

all i need is the command to start it in opt/ i am not running off the live cd. its off the hard drive install. ALL I NEED IS THE OPT/BOOTLOCAL.SH COMMAND.
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