
Group: Members
Posts: 798
Joined: Sep. 2005 |
Posted: Feb. 23 2007,22:38 |
Well I appreciate your appreciation TOSHIBA. Actually I was hoping for more feedback on that uci.
Re 2: Are you using grub? I thought all you had to do to load extensions with a hd install was add mydsl=hda3 to your grub boot line, assuming someuci.uci in on /mnt/hda3 for eg.
Or you could add
mydsl-load /mnt/hda3/someuci.uci
to /opt/bootlocal.sh
You maybe could permanently write the contents of a uci to your hd by eg copying all its files from /opt/someuci to another dir as root, then umount the uci, mkdir /opt/someuci, copy all the files back there, do cd /; tar -zxvf /opt/someuci/user.tar.gz, restart X, and the uci is permanently installed. But it will get messy if you again mount the uci and then dismount it again. Not recommended.