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Topic: Uninstalling Apps..., Someone had to ask!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
roberts Offline

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Posted: Nov. 12 2004,15:46 QUOTE

Looks like I trained Kent well.  :D His response is well stated.
I would only add to "not discourage" those who find that the mydsl method of "click and load" to be far easier than trying to deal with the dependenices of apt, to go ahead and use mydsl on a hard drive install, but, only after you have tested the extension from a liveCD. Just don't mix the two types mydsl and apt, or to ask for an easy way to uninstall mydsl extensions from a hard drive. I do plan on future enhancements dealing with the icons and menu items for those that wish to have more control of the desktop layout. It will benefit both liveCD and hard drive installs. I recall when I was first posting about the design of mydsl. I would always say that the hard drive installed users had the advantage, for us liveCD users were "limited" to what was on the CD. I would say advantage to liveCD. But it appears that the easy and simplicity is attractive to hard disk users as well. So now it really is advantage to DSL. And thanks to all of you who have made the effort to make extensions for that is really the my in myDSL.
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cbagger01 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 12 2004,23:03 QUOTE

Just to add my 2 cents to the topic:

Simple rule:

If you are a hd install user and you want to install a new program and it exists in the Debian apt repository (stable, testing, unstable or experimental) OR it is provided by the author as a downloadable *.deb package file, then use the "apt-get install xxx" or "dpkg -i xxx.deb" commands to install your new program.

Yes, you will need to manually edit your fluxbox menu using a text editor or a tool like WhiteBox.dsl and you will need to create manual desktop icon additions if you prefer, but you will be doing the "right thing" in the long run.

Otherwise, if you are a hdinstall user and your desired program exists as a *.dsl extension AND it does not exist anywhere under the Debian system then you should bite the bullet and do a myDSL extension installation because what else are you going to do?  Avoid the program completely?

For example, the whitebox 5.0patched extension is unavailable as a Debian package so if you need this program you are forced to either do the myDSL extension install or to compile from source.

I wish things were a little more "cut-n-dry" but this is the best advice that I can give you on the topic.
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Me! Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,14:36 QUOTE

Quote (ke4nt1 @ Nov. 12 2004,09:13)
DSL is designed to be the best 50 MB LIVE-CD it can be ...

The backup/restore features available are designed to enhance this design
by offering a writable, restorable method of operation to add function and
expansion to the compressed filesystem ...

The myDSL system is designed to further enhance this compressed
filesystems expansion capabilities, by allowing a user to easily add various
components to a write-limited / read-only filesystem, with the goal in mind
of keeping ram usage to a minimum thru a number of methods ...
( thin extensions, removal of docs/apps/package mgmt files, and installing
to non-typical areas [ /opt /tmp , rather than /usr/bin /usr/share ]
Robert designed this system with The Following Goal In Mind ...
{{{{ To enhance the compressed filesystem in DSL ...}}}}
I welcome his input in this thread ...

DSL does offer a HDInstall method, for those who choose to do so ...
Mixing the two is NOT recommended ...

Bumping this topic after doing a search.

I have been using DSL off and on for about nine months, mostly off.  I finally have some time to really take a serious look at it.
I am using DSL off the CD, and do have plenty of H.D. space.  I have chosen not to do a Hard Drive install, at this time, but I do make my backups there, which load fine on reboots.

However if I use MyDSL to download the latest FireFox update, or get any application, once the system reboots they are gone.  

From what I understand if I want to save the updates or features I installed and use the CD method I would need to remaster a CD for my needs?

sorry, I did a search and replied, I don't think this is the correct topic for my question.
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Freestyle Assassin Offline

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Posted: Oct. 08 2005,11:45 QUOTE

I guess this could go in this topic:

Is it possible to uninstall some of the apps that come with the original DSL Distro? Such as firefox, or xpdf for an example. I'm trying to make a box speciffically for programming, so I wanted to remove all the extra junk. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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adssse Offline

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Posted: Oct. 08 2005,12:19 QUOTE

As far as I know there is no "uninstall" option for the apps that come with dsl. I believe you would have to track down the files for the apps and delete them.
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