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Topic: Uninstalling Apps..., Someone had to ask!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >

Posted: Oct. 13 2004,07:23 QUOTE

umm, yeah, that really didn't help.

the only way I know of is to use emelfm to browse the contents of the .tar.gz file and to manually remove every item.

long and tedious, but still better than doing a fresh install...

alle the answers above are allmost a copy of the answers the same forummembers have given befor you did even NOT try to find the answer.
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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,19:57 QUOTE

I've read elsewhere and seen implied here that .dsl extenstions are not intended to be run from a HD install of DSL. But let me give you a scenario and see whether this might actually be case where doing the unintended might be the best (or at least easiest) way to go.

I have been battling for the last several days trying to get Feather 0.5.9 working right on my system (not DSL, I know, but please bear with me). I have a Zip drive and a USB scanner on my machine and I also IM with an old friend. So, I need to be able to access the Zip drive, I want to be able to scan pictures using a GUI application (even xscanimage is okay), and I want a GUI ICQ client.

Anyway, after an HD install and all that entailed, I apt-get install Gimp and SANE (with xscanimage) for my scanner, alicq for my IM needs, and things seem to work fine. Then I install AbiWord from a Feather script. Now, xscanimage no longer works and Synaptic (which I also installed from a Feather script) downloads the applications but closes without installing them. The AbiWord installation (version 2.0.1) changed things to the point where launching xscanimage creates a "relocation error: /usr/lib/ underfined symbol: gdk_threads_lock" which no one seems to be able to help me fix. (I've now reinstalled three times, heading for a fourth.)

Would this be an instance where running .dsl versions of AbiWord (and maybe a few others) from the hard drive would allow me to avoid this situation and still have a good word processor at my disposal (Ted is okay, but I prefer AbiWord)? Or am I mistaken in thinking that a .dsl extension is basically self-contained, much like the static .deb files of its browser that Opera makes available on its web site? Or is there another alternative I'm missing? Slow dialup precludes downloading Knoppix or some other "full-blown" distro. Lack of income precludes buying a more "commercial" distro. Plus, I don't want, need, or like KDE or Gnome. Besides, everything else works so well, I hate to give up of a smaller distro like Feather or DSL.

Sorry for the length, and yes, I did search before posting, but have yet to see a situation quite like mine. Thanks in advance for any advice or help anyone can offer.

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ke4nt1 Offline

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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,20:13 QUOTE

Why not install abiword from apt-get , like the rest of your apps?
Then you get the virtues of package-management that an
apt-get system can provide , and that .dsl's cannot ..

Apt-get should resolve any issues with your challenge.
Update your apt-get to the unstable branch, then install
the gimp, abiword, alicq, and sane thru apt-get..
They should then play nice together..

Chances are, the feather script is also downloading a
static file, which installs without any reliance on apt-get,
just like .dsl's do ..

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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,20:17 QUOTE

Well, I'll give it a try with AbiWord. SANE, and alicq were both installed using apt-get, and I just updated Gimp via apt-get. Feather uses the unstable branch for its source list, so that should already be taken care of.

(Takes a deep breath. . .) Here goes. . . Thanks.

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Aiku Offline

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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,20:47 QUOTE

I too have messed up my hard drive install using the apt stuff.
If the .dsl work; they sure are alot easier to install, use, and enjoy.
So, I give up their removal. Ok with me. Go DSL and mydsl.
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