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Topic: Win4Lin Pro for dsl?, Does it exist for dsl?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
ixotj Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,14:27 QUOTE

Win4lin its similar to wine , what is the difference?
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ZoOp Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,16:34 QUOTE

Thanks for your post.
I guess that wine works good in order to load some win application you need from within linux. Win4Lin pro gives you the possibility to emulate winxp or win 2000, i.e. to have a window opened and to see your windows desktop and apps in order to use them. But I am not sure because I am very new to win4lin. I believed I could use it with dsl in order to load some application I need and that don't exist in the lin world.
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Your Fuzzy God Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,19:03 QUOTE

It sounds like the install went okay.  Have you tried opening a terminal and typing "win4lin --help" or "man win4lin"?  To use it, all you should have to do is type win4lin followed by the path and file name of the executable you want to open.  There is also a win4lin forum:

I wish we could be of more help, but I don't think anyone here as ever used it.

Good Luck,

Good Luck

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ZoOp Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2005,20:27 QUOTE

thank you very very much for that information which I didn't know about the existence of this forum. I visit it but found no help concerning this problem.
However I browsed the web and maybe discover a possible limitation of my brain concerning the ability to use win4linpro. It seems to work not if you already have your system (I mean winxp) installed, but only in order to copy an image of winxp on your hard drive and then run the image from kqemu.
For me, the question remains: have I then the possibility to install some application working with win but unfortunatly not with linux, so to run the win image for that, to load my application and to do the stuff I have to before coming back to dsl. I don't know if what I want is understandable... sorry for my lack of knowledge in such stuff. I am looking forward in the forum of win4lin and I keep in touch if I find an acceptable solution. Let's sum up: win4lin seems to work with dsl. How and to which extend has to be tested, however.
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