
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: April 2005 |
Posted: May 10 2005,14:17 |
Ok, so basically the linuxrc script, that runs after loading the ramdisk, tells where to find the knoppix directory and file. I just changed the variable for the directory and then it continued on after finding it.
So a quick step by step with the extreme details left out: Copy the kernel (linux24) from one of the dsl packages to your directory on your media (cdrom, usb drive, etc) Copy the /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file to that same directory copy over minirt24.gz to linux system gzip -d minirt24.gz mount -o loop minirt24 /mnt cd /mnt vi linuxrc Change: KNOPPIX_DIR="KNOPPIX" KNOPPIX_NAME="KNOPPIX" to: KNOPPIX_DIR="<wherever>" #<wherever> is /boot/dsl for me (relative to media root) KNOPPIX_NAME="KNOPPIX" save, unmount, gzip -9, copy minirt24 back to media directory
###ADVANCED SECTION - ONLY NECESSARY IF YOU WANT EXTENSIONS#### There is a problem with the .dsl packages which requires modifying the dsl_config startup script in /etc/init.d (IIRC). You need to change it from /cdrom to /cdrom/<wherever> (in my case /cdrom/boot/dsl) and then those load properly. This is a bit harder than it looks because the knoppix file is in a cramfs/cloop format. You have to either mount this file using the cloop package (insmod, mount module, etc) or you have to re-master the knoppix file with the changed dsl-config file in it using create_compressed_fs.
Hope this helps, Chris Hoekstra