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Topic: dsl for pen testers, pentesters< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Elc0chin0 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 30 2006,19:29 QUOTE

Interesting note;

when rebooting the system I noticed that it sees the bios

which also sees the hds and cd as;
ata0 and ata1 and it notes the size of each.

also I do need to restart dsl linux for the xsetup to take effect. Nice.

The first time I rebooted the system hung at 'Booting from Hard Disk...'

The second time it also hung at the same place.  This isn't a real big deal in XP or most windows environments I guess.

It trieds to mnt the ndiswrapper from mnt/hda1/windows etc etc. but can't find them or mount to...

Ok found the mount tool, but it's basically the same little thing at the bottom right corner and does basically the same thing. Again, where do you specify the file type?

Still looking for some of the tools I mentioned and haven't found anything yet.
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Elc0chin0 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 30 2006,19:43 QUOTE

Thanks for the info and all the help Roberts.

BTW it's posts like you're that turn a good question into something other than what it started out.

Also, FYI I liked this tool so much I made a donation yesterday evening. Nothing like what Bill Gates did but non the less a donation, and I get a Super Admin comment like this.

Thanks but I think I'll keep working with ^thehatsrule^ as he appears to at least be of assistance.

I dl'ed the latest version of dsl 3.1 I think.  Not the beta version.

I did find the 'windows manager'. If you right click on the screen you'll get a host of menu options. The 'window option allows you to change to 'jvm' or something like that. It works a lot faster but I still get nothing when I click on the 'Apps' of MyDSL.

Here's what I get with 'ls -l /mnt/hd*'


When I 'cd' to any one of them and then 'ls' to say 'hda' it's empty. I've tried to 'mount -a hda' from the /mnt directory and them 'cd' to the hd* directory.  Still no results.

Sorry about the long questions but I'm trying to work with someone else on using this.

And thanks for whoever it is that's providing the assistance, maybe you should be a super admin.
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^thehatsrule^ Offline

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Posted: Nov. 30 2006,19:54 QUOTE

roberts, I suppose moving this thread isn't possible?

also I do need to restart dsl linux for the xsetup to take effect. Nice.
You just need to restart X actually.

Ok found the mount tool, but it's basically the same little thing at the bottom right corner and does basically the same thing. Again, where do you specify the file type?[quote]See my last post about this...

are you sure its hab?
Anyways, it looks like it's not partitioned correctly... the output from the commands in my previous post's last paragraph might help us figure out what's on those devices.
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roberts Offline

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Posted: Nov. 30 2006,22:16 QUOTE


I hadn't moved it cause I couldn't tell if it is Qemu/Embedded or native USB booting.,

If it is trying to use ndiswrapper upon boot, sounds like it was run on abother system and has a backup that likely is incorrect for the current target machine.

Try booting it with
dsl base norestore
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