
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Joined: Jan. 2008 |
Posted: Feb. 03 2008,06:55 |
This is geared for people with experiences similar to mine. please refer to other posts in other topics. I have over 25 years computer experience, but sadly, new to linux except as a web-server.
It appears that edits do not send an updated e-mail.
I,and hopefully others, will be making edits.
There are concepts that may be unique to DSL or may be univerasal to linux, but they may be useful.
Many usefull concepts and standards are posted on this board and the support is above excelence, but by its nature, a search can be frustriating.
Please post, on this tread, only the final resolution and related search terms and phrases or more universal techniques.
P.S. Please forgive misspelliings and gramerical errors. Although I am fluent or conversational in almost a dozen computer programming languages, I have yet to master my native language of USA-English (arguably, the most difficult language in the world).
-------------- The smartest person is not the person who knows the most. The smartest person is the one who knows which book to look in. Community knowledge can be the sum of it's knowledge or the sum of it's ignorance The Definition of a 'Brain Fart': When something comes out of my brain that Stinks!