Posted: July 06 2005,15:09 |
Well, yes, there is no Dell ACPI option, and the i8k module doesn't do ACPI, that is simply for monitoring the specialized bios functions (theres bios volume, brightness, etc). I use I8k to turn on the fan on ly laptop as the thermal sensor is dead and its more than the cost of the laptop to replace it. I loaded the new kernel, and it appeared to work find, but still no acpi. I just booted feather linux off of a cd and it found it fine and can run the wmacpi dockapp. It's kinda freaky because the only major difference would appear to be the 2.4.27 kernel. Considering that DSL just crashed for me (tried to load too many games LOL), I think I'll just stick with Feather.
Sorry to be a betrayer but it works on my box.